Sunrise @ Ambleside Park

Our December mid-month event will be a sunrise photoshoot on Saturday December 10th at Ambleside Park, in West Vancouver. The sun should come up around at 7:50 a.m., so aim to arrive around 7 a.m. Weather permitting we will meet at the park and take pictures of the sunrise over the Lions Gate Bridge and downtown.

Date: Sunday December 11, 2022
Time: 7:00AM
Location: Ambleside Park, West Vancouver. See map below.

As you go around the loop to West Vancouver coming off the Lions Gate Bridge, keep going on Marine Drive past Park Royal until you reach 13th St. You will know you are there because there is a Shell gas station on the northwest corner.

Turn left on 13th St, go across the railway tracks and follow the road all the way down to the end, by the beach.

There are a number of spots where you can set up to take pictures of the Lions Gate Bridge, Stanley Park, and Burrard Inlet.

When we finish we can go for coffee at the White Spot (or a couple of other choices) in Park Royal shopping centre.

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