Our members' work can be viewed here:  Galleries





PhotoClub Vancouver is a group of keen amateur and professional photographers who meet regularly to share our knowledge and ideas about photography in order to help and inspire each member to realize his or her artistic visions. Members have a wide range of photographic interests and levels of experience.

Visitors and new members are always welcome.



1.      July Meeting

Monday July 22 @ 7 pmLiz Gray will lead the critique which builds off the presentation she gave us in April Black and White Photography – Shooting with Intent.  The theme of the challenge is Black and White Home Chronicles and we have attached a deck she sent us outlining the assignment, which we think will challenge you.


2.      LONDON DRUGS DISPLAY – “Images of Vancouver in Black and White” is up at the Georgia and Granville store.

3.      AUGUST MONTHLY MEETING WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, AUGUST 12  AT SPANISH BANKS. People can bring your own picnic dinner and stay for the sunset at 8:30!!

a.       Monthly Photo Challenge – Monday August 26th @ 7pm – Review of photographs from The Palouse and Steptoe Butte.


4.      September Meetings 

a.       Monthly Meeting on Monday the 8th @ 7 pm. Michael Schwartz is going to lead a discussion on Artificial Intelligence in digital photography.

b.      Monthly Challenge – to be advised


Image Submission Format and email address:

Submit a maximum of 2 images per photo review to: submit-images@photoclubvancouver.com a minimum of 4 days before the review date, usually a Thursday.

  • File type: JPG, recommended 2048 or 4096 pixels on the long end
  • File Name: XX[yyyymm of field trip] [Photographer] [sequence] - [title].jpg (e.g FT202202 Alexa Siri 1of2 - 49 Parallel.jpg)
    • Where XX equals MC for Monthly Challenge Submissions
    • Where XX equals FT for Field Trip Submissions
    • Where XX equals HB for Henry Ballon Submissions
    • Where XX equals APAC for APAC Submissions
  • Compiling the Images for the Photography Reviews takes a fair bit of time.  Please use the preceding format as it makes it easier for everyone.


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